ENT Physicians

All of Our Physicians are Board Certified….

To become board certified, our doctors met the education and practice requirements listed below, and passed two examinations:


Our doctors hold M.D. degrees from approved medical schools.

Our doctors completed 4-5 years of residency training after medical school in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or its equivalent.


Our doctors demonstrated high moral, ethical and professional qualifications and hold valid licenses to practice medicine.


Our doctors passed a one-day written exam which tested knowledge and skill in identifying and treating hearing and balance problems, birth defects, infections, glandular disorders, tumors, allergies, accidental injuries, and cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face, head and neck.

Our doctors also passed an extensive oral exam which focused on diagnosis, treatment, emergencies and complications of the ear and hearing, the head and neck, facial plastic and reconstructive operations, endoscopy, nasal and sinus disease, and allergy.